Our Products
My Plate Method
English Plate Method Guides
A colorful, two-sided patient handout for patients with diabetes. It features pictures of actual breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals showing the plate method concept.

The handout is great for beginners and other clients who want/need an easy to follow meal plan.

This nutrition guide shows the client how to spread out the carbohydrate containing foods over the day for better blood glucose control. It features a colorful visual approach of how food is portioned on the plate, and photographs of breakfast and lunch/dinner ideas. It is an excellent take-home tool written at a 4th grade reading level.

Professional instructions are reinforced through photos and graphics. The client can learn and remember what to eat by looking at the pictures.


Shop Our English Plate Method Package Options!

Spanish Plate Method Guides
A colorful, two-sided patient handout in a similar format to the English guides, featuring pictures of actual breakfast, lunch, and dinner meals in the plate method concept. It highlights favorite ethnic foods.

The text is in both English and Spanish. Non-Spanish speaking instructors will find it especially helpful when working with Spanish speaking clients

Shop Our Spanish Plate Method Package Options!

PLASTIC,ENGLISH: These Decofoam place mats are used for teaching weight loss, good nutrition, as well as diabetes control. Colorful, two-sided pictures of breakfast (side 1), and lunch/dinner (side 2) illustrating the Idaho Plate Method meal planning concept.

Develop an individualized plan for your patient using permanent or dry erase markers (wipe off with alcohol). This visual approach shows clients their meal plan. Excellent for low literacy.

PAPER, ENGLISH OR SPANISH: Colorful one-sided paper handout which illustrates the Idaho Plate Method meal planning concept using a 9-inch plate, with fruit and dairy choices. Spanish includes authentic foods with English translation for easy use. Ideal for general nutrition instruction.

Shop Our Placemat Package Options 

Breakfast Side

Lunch and Dinner Side
Educator Starter Kits
Get started with the tools you need to get started counseling your clients on their personal Plate Method plan!

This kit includes 5 English and 5 Spanish nutrition guides, 2 Decofoam placemats, 2 Breakfast Paper Placemats, 2 English & Spanish Placemats, 2 My Plate Method handouts, one dry-erase marker, one fine point permanent marker, and how-to ideas for instructing clients with diabetes, and those who need to lose weight.

Shop Our Educator Kits Section!

Idaho Plate Method nutrition education CDs with slides and presenter's script!
Meal Planning for Diabetes Meal Planning for Weight Loss & Good Nutrition
Your knowledge about simplified meal planning can help to change your patients’ lives! The interactive script promotes mastery of the plate method for meal planning for the beginner or the intermediate level client who is looking for a non-measuring method. Slides contain food photos and graphics to enhance learning. Great for use in classes.

Shop Our PowerPoint CD Section!