Energique® HP (High Potency) Homeopathic Formulas
Deeper penetration for higher levels of healing
High Potency (HP) formulas from Energique®
A note about using HP formulas
Adequate drainage of the area of the body being targeted is a must when using HP Formulas. A possible exception to this would be in those situations where an HP Formula is being used after the use of a lower potency 12x combination, that may have provided sufficient drainage of the targeted area. This includes our "par", "tone", and "stat" homeopathics, which have herbal drainage constituencies as part of their formulations.
If you are beginning with an HP Formula, or if continued drainage is required after using a lower potency, it is best accomplished through the use of liquid herbal extracts.
→ Menopause HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms due to menopause, autonomic dysregulation, and dryness and irritation of the vagina.
Menopause HP contains Secale cornutum 30x, Ustilago maydis 30x, Sepia succus 30x, Lachesis muta 30x, Belladonna 30x, Nux vomica 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Manganum aceticum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with CohoshCom II, Female Formula or AdrenaCom.
→ Mentox HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms due to mental confusion, forgetfulness and a tendency toward depression.
Mentox HP contains Baryta carbonica 30x, Lycopodium clavatum 30x, Phosphorus 30x, Calcarea carbonica 30x, Nux vomica 30x, Natrum muriaticum 30x, Lachesis muta 30x, Aurum metallicum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with GotaCom, GinkoCom, ValeriCom, Calming Formula or Female Formula.
→ Nausea / Vomiting HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms due to nausea and vomiting.
Nausea / Vomiting HP contains Aethusa 30x, Cocculus indicus 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Kreosotum 30x, Petroleum 30x, Arsenicum album 30x, Ipecacuanha 30x, Sanguinaria canadensis 30x, Tabacum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with DandeCom, DigestiCom or Digestive Formula.
→ Neuralgia HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms of numbness, tingling and irritation of the nerves, due to nervous system dysregulation.
Neuralgia HP contains Agaricus muscarius 30x, Arnica montana 30x, Aconitum napellus 30x, Allium cepa 30x, Coffea cruda 30x, Hypericum perforatum 30x, Lycopodium clavatum 30x, Mercurius solubilis (Hydragyrum) aut vivus 30x, Phosphorus 30x, Plumbum metallicum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with TraumaCom, Uña de Gato (Cat's Claw) or Cleansing Formula.
→ OtoFlam HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms due to otitis media, inflammation and pain of ears and chronic ear infections.
OtoFlam HP contains Belladonna 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Silicea terra 30x, Chamomilla 30c, Hepar sulphuris calcareum 30x, Kali bichromicum 30x, Dulcamara 30x, Mercurius solubilis (Hydragyrum) aut vivus 30x, Conium maculatum 30x, Ferrum phosphoricum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with OtoCom, EchinaCom, TrifoloCom or Uña de Gato (Cat's Claw).
→ PMS HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief of premenstrual symptoms, including headache, irritability and nervousness at onset of menses, vaginitis, endometriosis, fibrous breast and amenorrhea.
PMS HP contains Sepia succus 30x, Lachesis muta 30x, Magnesia phosphorica 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Belladonna 30x, Natrum muriaticum 30x, Nux vomica 30x, Kali carbonicum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with CohoshCom I, Female Formula, Cleansing Formula or Sugar Metabolism Formula.
→ Pneumo HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief of symptoms due to pneumonia, chronic lung disorders and lung inflammation.
Pneumo HP contains Phosphorus 30x, Lobelia inflata 30x, Arsenicum album 30x, Natrum sulphuricum 30x, Calcarea carbonica 30x, Ammonium muriaticum 30x, Spongia tosta 30x, Antimonium tartaricum 30x, Bryonia alba 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with PlantagoCom, MullienCom, Cold & Flu Formula, TrifoloCom or Uña de Gato (Cat's Claw).
→ PostPartum I HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief of after pains associated with childbirth.
PostPartum I HP contains Arnica montana 30c, Hypericum perforatum 30c, Kali carbonicum 30c, Pulsatilla nigricans 30c, Sabina 30c, Secale cornutum 30c, Sepia succus 30c, Viburnum opulus 30c and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
This product has been discontinued, due to the excessive cost of new FDA regulations.
→ PostPartum II HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief of postpartum depression and mood swings after childbirth.
PostPartum II HP contains Cimicifuga racemosa 30c, Pulsatilla nigricans 30c, Sepia succus 30c, Ignatia amara 30c, Nux vomica 30c, Staphysagria 30c, Arsenicum album 30c, Natrum muriaticum 30c, Lachesis muta 30c, Platinum metallicum 30c and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
This product has been discontinued, due to the excessive cost of new FDA regulations.
→ Premature HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief of false labor pains and contractions associated with pregnancy.
Premature HP contains Caulophyllum thalictroides 30c, Cimicifuga racemosa 30c, Pulsatilla nigricans 30c, Gelsemium sempervirens 30c, Ignatia amara 30c, Viburnum opulus 30c and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
This product has been discontinued, due to the excessive cost of new FDA regulations.
→ Regen HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy to stimulate the immune system. It provides temporary relief from sensitivities, extreme fatigue, glandular swelling and mucous discharge.
Regen HP contains Echinacea angustifolia 12x, 30x, 200x, Trifolium pratense 12x, 30x, 200x, Hydrastis canadensis 12x, 30x, 200x, Lappa major 12x, 30x, 200x, Cinnamomum ceylanicum 12x, 30x, 200x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with RegenCom, ScrophulariCom, TrifoloCom, GenCom, EchinaCom or Uña de Gato (Cat's Claw).
→ Rheumatism HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief of symptoms due to muscular pain, joint aches and pains, swelling rheumatism and gout.
Rheumatism HP contains Rhus toxicodendron 30x, Rhododendron chrysanthum 30x, Bryonia alba 30x, Ledum palustre 30x, Kalmia latifolia 30x, Colchicum autumnale 30x, Lycopodium clavatum 30x, Formica rufa 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with ArthriCom, InflammaCom, Joint Formula, DigestiCom or Digestive Formula.
→ Sciatica HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief of symptoms of sharp pain in lower back and down the back of the legs (sciatic nerve pain) and bursitis.
Sciatica HP contains Hypericum perforatum 30x, Rhus toxicodendron 30x, Aesculus hippocastanum 30x, Plumbum metallicum 30x, Aconitum napellus 30x, Colocynthis 30x, Magnesia phosphorica 30x, Gnaphalium 30x, Arnica montana 30c and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with TraumaCom, InflammaCom or Uña de Gato (Cat's Claw).
→ Scrophulous HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief of lymphatic congestion and/or swelling, symptoms of glandular swelling and lymphatic congestion.
Scrophulous HP contains Calcarea carbonica 30x, Baryta carbonica 30x, Silicea terra 30x, Mercurius solubilis (Hydragyrum) aut vivus 30x, Phytolacca decandra 30x, Rhus toxicodendron 30x, Bromium 30x, Ferrum iodatum 30x, Gnaphalium 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with TrifoloCom, ScrophulariCom, GenCom, Environmental Formula or Uña de Gato (Cat's Claw).
→ Sinuchron HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief of sinusitis and chronic sinus infection, such as chronic catarrh of the sinuses.
Sinuchron HP contains Arsenicum album 30x, Kali bichromicum 30x, Mercurius solubilis (Hydragyrum) aut vivus 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Sepia succus 30x, Lycopodium clavatum 30x, Phosphorus 30x, Natrum muriaticum 30x, Hepar sulphuris calcareum 30x, Hydrastis canadensis 30x, Thuja occidentalis 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with MyrrhCom, EchinaCom, PropoliCom, Cold & Flu Formula or Uña de Gato (Cat's Claw).
→ Teething HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief of teething discomfort.
Teething HP contains Calcarea carbonica 30x, Chamomilla 30x, Silicea terra 30x, Calcarea phosphorica 30x, Podophyllum peltatum 30x, Borax veneta 30x, Passiflora incarnata 30x, Belladonna 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with TraumaCom or Calming Formula.
→ Thyroid HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief of symptoms due to thyroid dysregulation, chronic fatigue, lowered metabolism and thyroid dysfunction.
Thyroid HP contains Iodium purum 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Baryta carbonica 30x, Calcarea carbonica 30x, Thyroidinum 30x, Fucus vesiculosus 30x, Spongia tosta 30x, Natrum muriaticum 30x, Calcarea iodata 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with KelpCom, Female Formula or Stress Formula.
→ Tinnitus HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief of symptoms due to tinnitis, noises in the ears, such as ringing, buzzing, roaring or clicking; Meniere's disease.
Tinnitus HP contains Ginkgo biloba 6x, China sulphuricum 30x, China officinalis 30x, Graphites naturalis 30x, Natrum salicylicum 30x, Plumbum metallicum 30x, Salicylic acid 30x, Spigelia anthelmintica 30x, Thiosinaminum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with GinkoCom, GotaCom or OtoCom.
→ V HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief of symptoms due to lowered immune response and chronic fatigue, from chronic or recurring viral infection.
V HP contains Arsenicum album 30x, Gelsemium sempervirens 30x, Pyrogenium 30x, Rhus toxicodendron 30x, Eupatorium perfoliatum 30x, Phosphorus 30x, Phosphoricum acidum 30x, Echinacea angustifolia 30x, Belladonna 30x, Lycopodium clavatum 30x, Carcinosin 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with PropoliCom, EchinaCom, TrifoloCom or Uña de Gato (Cat's Claw).
→ Varico HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief of symptoms due to varicose veins or hemorrhoids, swelling of veins in legs, varicosities and prolapses.
Varico HP contains Hamamelis virginiana 30x, Secale cornutum 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Calcarea fluorica 30x, Lachesis muta 30x, Carbo vegetabilis 30x, Lycopodium clavatum 30x, Staphysagria 30x, Zincum metallicum 30x, Carduus marianus 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with CirculaCom, GenCom, BurdoCom, Cleansing Formula or Diuretic Formula.
Sometimes, after the use of lower potencies of homeopathic formulas, you may not have achieved the level of healing you expected. The remedies you had been using brought you along the path to health; but, they have ceased to be effective in promoting further healing and detoxification. What are you to do?
Energique® has created a High Potency (HP) series of 30x and higher potency combination formulations, designed to follow lower potency combinations. They provide a deeper penetration of the body's energy layers, and stimulate the detoxification system, helping to release deeper toxins and promote higher levels of healing.
Energique's HP Formulas should be used after the lower potencies have ceased to promote a healing reaction, or when the lower potencies no longer "test". They should also be considered for initial use — in place of lower potencies — when addressing chronic conditions.
High Potency (HP) Homeopathic Remedies from Energique®
→ Acne HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms of acne.
Acne HP contains Kali bichromicum 30x, Sulphur 30x, Silicea terra 30x, Zincum metallicum 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Natrum muriaticum 30x, Sepia succus 30x, Carbo animalis 30x, Carbo vegetabilis 30x, Kali iodatum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with GenCom, BurdoCom, Environmental Formula, DandeCom, EchinaCom or Black Gel.
→ Allerpoll HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms of inhalant allergies or hayfever.
Allerpoll HP contains Arsenicum album 30x, Phosphorus 30x, Nux vomica 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Sulphur 30x, Ambrosia artemesiaefolia 30x, Solidago virgaurea 30x, Euphrasia officinalis 30x, Allium cepa 30x, Apis mellifica 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with AllerCom, EchinaCom, Yeast formula, MyrrhCom, MulleinCom, Cold & Flu Formula or Uña de Gato (Cat's Claw).
→ Alz HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms of Alzheimer's disease and other brain dysfunctions.
Alz HP contains Baryta carbonica 30c, Phosphorus 30c, Hyoscyamus niger 30x, Stramonium 30c, Lachesis muta 30c, Belladonna 30x, Veratrum album 30x, Anacardium orientale 30x, Kali bromatum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with GinkgoCom, GotaCom, CirculaCom or Cleansing Formula.
→ Anxiety HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms of anxiety, nervousness or stress.
Anxiety HP contains Arsenicum album 30x, Phosphorus 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Lachesis muta 30x, Ignatia amara 30x, Kali carbonicum 30x, Calcarea carbonica 30x, Natrum muriaticum 30x, Staphysagria 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with ValeriCom, Calming Formula, Stress formula, AdrenaCom, LicroCom or GingerCom.
→ Arthritis HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms of arthritis, joint inflammation and swelling.
Arthritis HP contains Rhus toxicodendron 30x, Rhododendron chrysanthum 30x, Causticum 30x, Bryonia alba 30x, Ledum palustre 30x, Apis mellifica 30x, Kalmia latifolia 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Colchicum autumnale 30x, Kali carbonicum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with ArithriCom, Joint Formula, InflammaCom, OsteoCom, BarleyCom, BoraCom or Uña de Gato (Cat's Claw).
→ Asthma HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms due to constriction of the chest and asthma.
Asthma HP contains Arsenicum album 30x, Belladonna 30x, Blatta orientalis 30x, Kali carbonicum 30x, Natrum sulphuricum 30x, Lobelia inflata 30x, Ipecacuanha 30x, Silicea terra 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with MulleinCom, PlantagoCom, ValeriCom or Uña de Gato (Cat's Claw).
→ Bac HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms due to chronic bacterial infection, swelling and inflammation of lymph nodes.
Bac HP contains Apis mellifica 30x, Mercurius solubilis (Hydragyrum) aut vivus 30x, Belladonna 30x, Rhus toxicodendron 30x, Arsenicum album 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Chamomilla 30x, Silicea terra 30x, Lachesis muta 30x, Pyrogenium 30x, Echinacea angustifolia 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with EchinaCom, PropoliCom, LapachoCom, TrifoloCom or Uña de Gato (Cat's Claw).
→ Bone Repair HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms due to bone injury and chronic inflammation of the back.
Bone Repair HP contains Calcarea fluorica 30x, Silicea terra 30x, Calcarea phosphorica 30x, Calcarea carbonica 30x, Rhus toxicodendron 30x, Symphytum officinale 30x, Hecla lava 30x, Fluoricum acidum 30x, Ruta graveolens 30x, Magnesia phosphorica 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with OsteoCom, Joint Formula, CirculaCom or Cleansing Formula.
→ Bronchi HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms due to chronic bronchitis, chronic cough and inflammation of the bronchial tree.
Bronchi HP contains Ipecacuanha 30x, Lobelia inflata 30x, Drosera rotundifolia 30x, Spongia tosta 30x, Phosphorus 30x, Cuprum metallicum 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Rumex crispus 30x, Lachesis mutus 30x, Carbo vegetabilis 30x, Hepar sulphuris calcareum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with PlantagoCom, MulleinCom, Uña de Gato (Cat's Claw) or Cold & Flu Formula.
→ Cold HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms of nasal congestion, runny nose, sneezing, sore throat, fever/chills and/or discharges.
Cold HP contains Aconitum napellus 30x, Allium cepa 30x, Eupatorium perfoliatum 30x, Ferrum phosphoricum 30x, Gelsemium sempervirens 30x, Kali bichromicum 30x, Mercurius solubilis (Hydragyrum) aut vivus 30x, Nux vomica 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with EchinaCom, EchinaCom C, Olive leaf, Cold & Flu Formula.
→ Cough HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from the symptoms of irritation and cough due to chronic chest congestion.
Cough HP contains Bryonia alba 30x, Cuprum aceticum 30x, Drosera rotundifolia 30x, Spongia tosta 30x, Kali carbonicum 30x, Phosphorus 30x, Arsenicum album 30x, Ipecacuanha 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Corallinum rubrum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with MulleinCom, PlantagoCom, Uña de Gato (Cat's Claw) or Cold & Flu Formula.
→ CV HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy that supports cardiovascular regulation. It provides temporary relief from constriction of the chest cavity, heart sensitivity, difficulty in breathing and swelling of the ankles.
CV HP contains Lycopus virginicus 30x, Crataegus oxyacantha et monogyna 30x, Valeriana officinalis 30x, Adonis vernalis 30x, Phosphorus 30c, Cactus grandiflorus 30c, Digitalis purpurea 30c, Aurum metallicum 30c, Natrum muriaticum 30c, Pulsatilla nigricans 30c and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with CratagoCom I, CratagoCom II or Diuretic Formula.
→ Cystoges HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for cystitis and bladder infections. It provides temporary relief from the symptoms of burning and irritation of the pelvis after urination and cystitis.
Cystoges HP contains Cantharis vesicatoria 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Sarsaparilla officinalis 30x, Lac caninum 30x, Staphysagria 30x, Berberis vulgaris 30x, Lycopodium clavatum 30x, Sepia succus 30x, Clematis erecta 30x, Equisetum hyemale 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with BayberryCom, SolidagoCom, EchinaCom, Diuretic Formula, Cleansing Formula or Yeast Formula.
→ DiabenEx HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy to support blood sugar regulation. It provides temporary relief from the symptoms of lethargy or fatigue in the afternoon, following a meal, as well as abnormal blood sugar levels.
DiabenEx HP contains Phosphorus 30x, Lycopodium clavatum 30x, Lacticum acidum 30x, Syzygium jambolanum 30x, Phosphoricum acidum 30x, Uranium nitricum 30x, Colchicum autumnale 30x, Aceticum acidum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with JambulCom, GingerCom, Sugar Metabolism Formula, DigestiCom, Digestive Formula, LicroCom or SolidagoCom.
→ Dizziness HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief of the symptoms of dizziness and lightheadedness.
Dizziness HP contains Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Cocculus indicus 30x, Conium maculatum 30x, Calcarea carbonica 30x, Phosphorus 30x, Nux vomica 30x, Silicea terra 30x, Chenopodium anthelminticum 30x, Tabacum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with GinkoCom, GotaCom, CirculaCom, EquistaCom or Cleansing Formula.
→ Eczema HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms due to skin irritation, eczema and chronic skin eruptions.
Eczema HP contains Arsenicum album 30x, Rhus toxicodendron 30x, Sepia succus 30x, Graphites naturalis 30x, Sulphur 30x, Mercurius solubilis (Hydragyrum) aut vivus 30x, Mezereum 30x, Calcarea carbonica 30x, Petroleum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with BurdoCom, GenCom, DandeCom, Environmental Formula, BoraCom or TrifoloCom.
→ Edema HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms due to fluid retention, tissue swelling and edema, secondary to low blood protein and liver or kidney dysfunction.
Edema HP contains Apocynum cannabinum 30x, Apis mellifica 30x, Lycopodium clavatum 30x, Arsenicum album 30x, Digitalis purpurea 30x, Strophantus hispidus 30x, Crataegus oxyacantha et monogyna 30x, Rhus toxicodendron 30x, Sambucus nigra 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with DiuretiCom, Diuretic Formula, SolidagoCom.
→ Enuresis HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms due to incontinence, bedwetting and bladder claudication.
Enuresis HP contains Argentum nitricum 30x, Kreosotum 30x, Belladonna 30x, Nitricum acidum 30x, Equisetum hyemale 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Thuja occidentalis 30x, Causticum 30x, Thyroidinum 30x, Ferrum phosphoricum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with BayberryCom, SolidagoCom, Diuretic Formula or JuniCom I.
→ Grippe HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms due to influenza or other viral infections. I have a limited number of 2 oz bottles left. Once they are gone, Grippe HP will only be available in the 1 oz bottle.
Grippe HP contains Ferrum phosphoricum 30x, Bryonia alba 30x, Arsenicum album 30x, Gelsemium sempervirens 30x, Eupatorium perfoliatum 30x, Belladonna 30x, Aconitum napellus 30x, Baptisia tinctoria 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with PropoliCom, LapachoCom, EchinaCom, Cold & Flu Formula or TrifoloCom.
→ Headache HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms due to tension and pressure of the head, headache.
Headache HP contains Gelsemium sempervirens 30x, Spigelia anthelmintica 30x, Belladonna 30x, Nux vomica 30x, Glonoinum 30x, Melilotus officinalis 30x, Bryonia alba 30x, Silicea terra 30x, Natrum muriaticum 30x, Nitricum acidum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with DandeCom, HydrangeaCom, Environmental Formula or GenCom.
→ Hypert HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms due to kidney dysfunction and anxiety, resulting in poor blood pressure regulation.
Hypert HP contains Aurum metallicum 30x, Natrum muriaticum 30x, Cactus grandiflorus 30x, Phosphorus 30x, Nux vomica 30x, Arnica montana 30x, Solidago virgaurea 30x, Calcarea carbonica 30x, Crataegus oxyacantha et monogyna 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with HypertCom, HypertCom S, HypertCom IR, EquistaCom, ValeriCom, Calming Formula or Diuretic Formula.
→ Insomnia HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms due to fatigue and restlessness from inability to sleep, insomnia.
Insomnia HP contains Coffea cruda 30x, Arsenicum album 30x, Nux vomica 30x, Kali carbonicum 30x, Magnesia carbonica 30x, Sepia succus 30x, Valeriana officinalis 30x, Passiflora incarnata 30x, Avena sativa 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with ValeriCom, Calming Formula, Stress Formula or AdrenaCom.
→ Lyme HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from symptoms due to Lyme's disease. It provides temporary relief from aches and pains of the joints and muscles, as a consequence of infection.
Lyme HP contains Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Hydrastis canadensis 3x, Baptisia tinctoria 3x, Lyme nosode 12x, 30x, 200x, Rhus toxicodendron 30c, Arsenicum album 30c, Ledum palustre 30c, Colchicum autumnale 30c, Kalmia latifolia 30c, Lycopodium clavatum 30c, Phosphorus 30c, Chelidonium majus 30c, Bryonia alba 30c and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with PropoliCom, EchinaCom or Uña de Gato (Cat's Claw).
→ Mastitis HP: is a high potency homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief from pain and swelling due to inflammation and other discomforts associated with breasts.
Mastitis HP contains Bryonia alba 30c, Belladonna 30c, Hepar sulphuris calcareum 30c, Mercurius solubilis (Hydragyrum) aut vivus 30c, Phytolacca decandra 30c, Silicea terra 30c, Pulsatilla nigricans 30c and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with EchinaCom.
More High Potency (HP) Homeopathic Formulas from Energique®
Energique's ADD HP is a high potency homeopathic remedy for temporary relief of symptoms of Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD), learning disabilities and hyperactivity.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: L-Dopa 6x, 12x, 30x, 12c, 30c, Gamma-aminobutyric Acid 6x, 12x, 30x, 12c, 30c, Norepinephrine 6x, 12x, 30x, 12c, 30c, Serotonin 6x, 12x, 30x, 12c, 30c, Adrenocorticotropin hormone 8x, 12x, 30x, 12c, 30c, Baryta carbonica 30c, Lycopodium clavatum 30c, Hyoscyamus niger 30c, Stramonium 30c, Calcarea carbonica 30c, Arsenicum album 30c, Calcarea phosphorica 30c, Anacardium orientale 30c, distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with ValeriCom, Calming Formula, GotaCom or GinkgoCom.
Energique's HZ HP is a high potency homeopathic remedy for herpes virus infections. It can be used for the temporary relief of symptoms due to virus-associated rashes and cold sores.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Thuja occidentalis 30x, Nitricum acidum 30x, Sepia succus 30x, Ranunculus bulbosus 30x, Natrum muriaticum 30x, Rhus toxicodendron 30x, Lycopodium clavatum 30x, Mezereum 30x and distilled water; 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with LapachoCom, PropoliCom, EchinaCom, LomaCom, TrifoloCom or Uña de Gato (Cat's Claw).
Infect HP™
Energique's Infect HP™ is formulated to assist with liver and gallbladder congestion/regulation. It may temporarily relieve symptoms associated with bacterial and viral conditions; chronic fever and cough.
Ingredients: Aconitum Napellus 30X, Arsenicum Album 30X, Baptisia Tinctoria 30X, Belladonna 30X, Bryonia 30X, Causticum 30X, Echinacea 30X, Eupatorium Perfoliatum 30X, Ferrum Phosphoricum 30X, Gelsemium Sempervirens 30X, Hydrastis Canadensis 30X, Hypericum Perforatum 30X, Kali Carbonicum 30X, Lachesis Mutus 30X, Lobelia Inflata 30X, Lomatium Dissectum 30X, Lung 30X, Natrum Sulphuricum 30X, Phosphorus 30X, Phytolacca Decandra 30X, Pulsatilla 30X, Pyrogenium 30X, Rhus Tox 30X, Silicea 30X, Sulphur 30X, Symphytum Officinale 30X.
Inactive Ingredients: Demineralized water, 20% ethanol.
1 fl oz bottle.
Liver/Gallbladder HP
Energique's Liver/Gallbladder HP is a homeopathic remedy that supports the liver's and gallbadder's ability to clear itself from congestion and regulate its healthy function. It can be used for the temporary relief of symptoms associated with poor liver or gallbladder function, such as flatulence, constipation, belching, abdominal discomfort, liver or gallbladder dysfunction, hemorrhoids, Crohn's disease or elevated cholesterol.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Carduus marianus 30x, Chelidonium majus 30x, Lycopodium clavatum 30x, Nux vomica 30x, Phosphorus 30x, Natrum sulphuricum 30x, Colocynthis 30x, Veratrum album 30x, Belladonna 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x and distilled water; 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with DandeCom, DigestiCom, Digestive Formula, Environmental Formula or HydrangeaCom.
ProstEx HP
Energique's ProstEx HP is a high potency homeopathic remedy for prostatitis. It may be helpful for the temporary relief of symptoms due to prostate hypertrophy (BPH — enlarged prostate).
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Clematis erecta 30x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Conium maculatum 30x, Sabal serrulata 30x, Thuja occidentalis 30x, Mercurius corrosivus 30x, Staphysagria 30x, Lycopodium clavatum 30x, Selenium 30x, Sepia succus 30x, Baryta carbonica 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with JuniCom I, JuniCom II or Cleansing Formula.
Psoriasis HP
Energique's homeopathic remedy Psoriasis HP is formulated for temporary relief of symptoms due to psoriasis and skin eruptions due to psoriasis and other chronic skin eruptions.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Sepia succus 30x, Natrum muriaticum 30x, Sulphur 30x, Arsenicum iodatum 30x, Graphites naturalis 30x, Borax veneta 30x, Lycopodium clavatum 30x, Petroleum 30x, distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Herbal drainage: Use with GenCom, BurdoCom, DandeCom, BoraCom, ScrophulariCom, Environmental Formula or Cleansing Formula.