Stat Homeopathic Remedies from Energique, Inc
Detoxifying formulas to stimulate the elimination of toxic substances
Detoxifying (Stat) rememdies from Energique, Inc
It's a sad fact, but at least one study has found that most people in the US carry around at least 700 potentially-harmful (or known-to-be-harmful) chemicals in their systems. These toxic chemicals can wreak havoc on your body's ability to function as it should. Together with other environmental challenges — like allergens, molds and fungi — your body is likely in need of some added support.
Fortunately, homeopathic remedies have proven themselves to be powerful — yet often subtle — tools to help clear these harmful substances from the system, allowing your body to function at a higher level.
Homeopathic remedies for dealing with a toxic world
Among its many fine products, Energique® brings you a great line of homeopathic detoxifiers. These remedies are formulated to stimulate your body's elimination of a wide range of toxic substances. I've used many of them with remarkable results, so I feel very comfortable in offering them to you.
Stresses of toxicities in our modern world
In the toxic world in which we live, the air we breathe, the water we drink and the food we eat all present significant challenges to our body's systems. As a result, the organs of elimination, in many people, have become overwhelmed with the constant challenge of eliminating the toxins they are knowingly — or unknowingly — forced to deal with on a daily basis.
However, the problem is bigger than just chemical toxicities. As pollutants overwhelm the body's detoxification system, the immune system is negatively impacted. All too often, this leads to chronic or serious illness.
Note: If you are especially toxic or sick when starting your detoxification program, targeting specific organs or body systems for detoxification may be more appropriate.
Because, if a dysfunctional organ of elimination, such as a toxic liver, is called upon to expel even more toxins than normal, it will typically fall short, causing the released toxins to go back into the system, where they can re-lodged in another area of the body, where they may be even more damaging than if they had been left in their original location.
Energique's answer to a toxic world
Energique® has formulated a line of Stat products to help you live a healthier life, despite the challenges of our toxic world. These homeopathic remedies approach the problems of toxicities in two distinct ways:
- By In targeting specific types of toxins, and
- With detoxifiers that target specific organs or body systems.
Easy does it with detoxification
If you are seriously ill and choose to pursue a detoxification program, you should be cautious and patient. Attempting to reach your goals to quickly can lead to significant problems; but, allowing time for the body to restore its balance should alleviate potential discomfort and reduce the potential for the re-lodging of toxins.
Note: To assist the body in its effort to expel toxins released at the cellular level, each Energique® Homeopathic Detoxifier has its own built-in drainage remedies.
Energique's GenStat is a homeopathic remedy for the detoxification of the body's elimination centers. In most cases, this is the remedy to start with when beginning any detoxification program.
4 fl oz bottle.
GenStat may be helpful for the following issues:
- the sudden urge to urinate,
- lowered metabolism,
- dry and croupy cough,
- abdominal bloating,
- constipation alternating with diarrhea,
- muscle stiffness, soreness and/or pain,
as well as for general detoxification.
Ingredients: Ribes nigrum 6x, Equisetum hyemale 6x, Passiflora incarnatea 6x, Olea europaea 6x, Ononis spinosa 6x, Aesculus hippocastanum 6x, Fumaria officinalis 6x, Solidago canadensis 6x, Centella asiatica 6x, distilled water, magnesium chloride, potassium benzoate.
Energique's AddaStat is a homeopathic remedy formulated to help the body's ability to detoxify from commonly used insecticides and/or pesticides.
1 fl oz bottle.
AddaStat provides temporary relief of
- debility,
- exhaustion after slight exertion, and
- dysentery.
It is also helpful for a wide range of problems associated with toxicity from these insecticides and/or pesticides.
Ingredients: Trifolium pratense 3x, petroleum 6x, Phytolacca decandra 6x, Arsenicum album 12x, Chelidonium majus 12x, Lycopodium clavatum 12x, Nux vomica 12x, Phosphoricum acidum 12x, phosphorus 12x, Nitricum acidum 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
AllerStat I
Energique's AllerStat I is a homeopathic remedy for detoxification from common food allergies. It provides temporary relief from
- gastrointestinal dyspepsia, with flatulence and bloating,
- loss of weight, and
- intolerance of certain foods.
It may also be helpful in reducing the effects of food allergies on other systems in the body, including gut integrity and inflammation.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Gentiana lutea 3x, Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Chelidonium majus 3x, Carbo vegetabilis 12x, Arsenicum album 12x, phosphorus 12x, Nux vomica 12x, Lycopodium clavatum 12x, Pulsatilla nigricans 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
AllerStat II
Energique's AllerStat II is a homeopathic remedy that assists in the detoxification of common inhalant allergies, It may be helpful for temporary relief of sinus congestion, due to hay fever and allergic rhinitis.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Baptisia tinctoria 3x, Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Arsenicum album 12x, phosphorus 12x, Nux vomica 12x, Natrum sulphuricum 12x, Ambrosia artemisiaefolia 12x, Pulsatilla nigricans 12x, sulphur 12x, Euphrasia officinalis 12x, Solidago virgaurea 12x, Allium cepa 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Energique's AndroStat is a homeopathic remedy that supports the detoxification of the male genital organs from infection. It provides temporary relief from
- pain of the lower abdomen,
- yellow discharge from urethra, and
- urine passing slowly, or only in drops.
It may also be helpful in other issues of toxicity of the male genital organs.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Sabal serrulata 3x, Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Zincum metallicum 12x, Mercurius solubilis (Hydragyrum) Aut Vivus 12x, Pulsatilla nigricans 12x, Clematis erecta 12x, Thuja occidentalis 12x, Staphysagria 12x, Triticum repens 12x, Medorrhinum 30x, syphilinum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Energique's ApizaStat is helpful for the detoxification of pollutants and the stimulation of the immune system. It may be helpful for temporary relief of
- fatigue,
- indigestion, and
- flatulent colic.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Beta vulgaris 1c, Avena sativa 1c, Oxalis acetosella 2c, Urtica dioica 2c, Larrea divaricata 2c, Phytolacca decandra 2c, Viscum album 2c, Chelidonium majus 2c, alfalfa 2c, Verbascum thapsus 2c, Thuja occidentalis 6c, Argentum metallicum 6c, Calcarea fluorica 6c, thymolum 7c, anthracinum 12c, Baptisia tinctoria 12c, X-ray 12c, paronichia 12c and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Energique's BacteStat is a homeopathic remedy that supports the body's detoxification from various bacterial infections. It may be helpful for the temporary relief of
- fever,
- sore throat, and
- acute irritation of the bladder.
1 or 2 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Baptisia tinctoria 3x, Phytolacca decandra 3x, Ferrum phosphoricum 12x, belladonna 12x, Arsenicum album 12x, Aconite napellus 12x, Lachesis muta 12x, phosphorus 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Energique's CandordiStat is a homeopathic remedy that supports the body's detoxification from various candida infections. It provides temporary relief from
- bloating of the stomach,
- flatulence, or
- rhinitis.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Candida albicans 6x, 12x, 30x, 60x, 100x, 200x, 500x, Mercurius solubilis (Hydragyrum) Aut Vivus 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Energique's ChemStat is a homeopathic remedy that helps to detoxify the body of commonly used drugs and chemicals. It can be used for the temporary relief of
- weakness and exhaustion,
- minor abdominal cramps,
- bloating, and
- vomiting.
However, the uses for ChemStat extend beyond these indications.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Taraxacum officinale 3x, Glycerinum 3x, Phytolacca decandra 3x, Nitricum acidum 12x, Nux vomica 12x, Arsenicum album 12x, petroleum 12x, phosphorus 12x, Chemical nosode 12x, 30x, distilled water, 20% ethanol.
Energique's ColoStat is a homeopathic remedy to support the detoxification of the colon from bacterial, fungal or parasitic conditions. It provides temporary relief from flatulence associated with constipation.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Spigelia anthelmintica 3x, Taraxacum officinale 3x, Cascara sagrada 3x, Hydrastis canadensis 3x, Cajuputum 6x, China officinalis 12x, Mandragora officinarum 12x, Cina maritima 12x, Magnesia phosphorica 12x, Alumina 12x, Nux vomica 12x, Lycopodium clavatum 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Energique's DentaStat is a homeopathic remedy that supports the body's detoxification of mercury and other dental toxins. In my opinion, this is one of the most important formulas produced by Energique.
For anyone who has the standard "silver" amalgam filling, there are some significant dangers you need to be aware of. (And, if you suffer from a chronic pain syndrome like Fibromyalgia, you should learn about the battery effect created by the metals in your mouth.
While DentaStat can't correct all of the issues associated with dental metals, it is a powerful tool in detoxifying your body — before and after you have your amalgams removed. It can provide temporary relief of pain and minor inflammation in the mouth, or on the gums following dental procedures, and much more.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Allium sativum 3x, Berberis vulgaris 3x, Fucus vesiculosis 3x, Phytolacca decandra 3x, Calcarea fluorica 12x, Aurum metallicum 12x, Niccolum carbonicum Aut Metallicum 12x, Zincum metallicum 12x, Mercurius solubilis (Hydragyrum) Aut Vivus 12x, Platinum metallicum 12x, Iodium purum 12x, Calcarea phosphorica 12x, Silicea terra 12x, Argentum metallicum 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Energique's EnviroStat is a homeopathic remedy for the detoxification from air and water pollutants. It provides temporary relief of head congestion and general exhaustion, as a consequence of exposure to smog, dust or industrial agents.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Phytolacca decandra 3x, Berberis vulgaris 3x, Lappa arctium 3x, Chelidonium majus 3x, Sepia succus 12x, sulphur 12x, Calcarea fluorica 12x, Carbo animalis 12x, Nux vomica 12x, phosphorus 12x, Thuja occidentalis 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
FunguStat I
Energique's FunguStat I is a homeopathic remedy that supports your body in the detoxification of various molds and fungi (aspergili). It provides temporary relief from
- heartburn and distention,
- burning on urination,
- flatulence, and
- apathy;
and improves digestion issues associated with fungal conditions.
1 or 2 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Tabebuia impetiginosa 3x, Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Sepia succus 12x, Nux vomica 12x, Abies nigra 12x, Lycopodium clavatum 12x, Pulsatilla nigricans 12x, phosphorus 12x, Skatolum 15x, Candida albicans 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
FunguStat II
Energique's FunguStat II is a homeopathic remedy that supports the body's detoxification from various candida infections. It provides temporary relief from
- bloating of the stomach,
- flatulence, and
- rhinitis.
1 or 2 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Hydrastis canadensis 3x, Fucus vesiculosus 3x, Phytolacca decandra 6x, Candida albicans 6x, 12x, 30x, Kreosotum 12x, Natrum muriaticum 12x, Pulsatilla nigricans 30x, Lycopodium clavatum 30x, Sepia succus 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Energique's HepaStat is a homeopathic formula that supports detoxification of the liver. It may be helpful for the temporary relief of
- dyspepsia,
- flatulence,
- exhaustion, and
- nausea,
as a consequence of constipation.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Taraxacum officinale 3x, Carduus marianus 3x, Beta vulgaris 3x, Fel tauri 6x, Cholesterinum 6x, Chelidonium majus 12x, Nux vomica 12x, Lycopodium clavatum 12x, Phosphorus 12x, Natrum sulphuricum 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
HZ Stat
Energique's HZ Stat is a homeopathic remedy for that supports the detoxification of Herpes simplex 1 & 2 and Herpes Zoster infections. It is beneficial for the temporary relief of
- aches and pains,
- febrile conditions, and
- painful skin lesions
associated with Herpes infections.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Hypericum perforatum 3x, Astragalus excapus 3x, Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Hydrastis canadensis 3x, Thuja occidentalis 12x, Dulcamara 12x, Nitricum acidum 12x, Ranunculus bulbosus 12x, Gelsemium sempervirens 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Energique's IndustriStat is a homeopathic remedy for the detoxification of major industrial pollution. It is formulated to provide temporary relief from cough, sensation loose in chest, rhinitis, hoarseness, with rough scraped feeling of the throat, consequence of industrial pollutants.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Trifolium pratense 3x, Symphytum officinale 3x, Plantago major 3x, Taraxacum officinale 3x, Nux vomica 12x, Lycopodium clavatum 12x, Nitricum acidum 12x, Phosphoricum acidum 12x, Arsenicum album 12x, Cadmium sulphuratum 12x, Iridium metallicum 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Energique's InfectiStat is a homeopathic remedy for the detoxification of the system from various bacterial and viral infections. It may be helpful for the temporary relief of
- fever,
- sore throat, and
- cough
due to bacterial and viral conditions. It may also have other benefits for the system.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Baptisia tinctoria 3x, Phytolacca decandra 3x, Symphytum officinale 3x, Hydrastis canadensis 3x, Lobelia inflata 3x, Lomatium 3x, Lung 6x, Ferrum phosphoricum 12x, Lachesis muta 12x, Belladonna 12x, Aconitum napellus 12x, Arsenicum album 12x, Phosphorus 12x, Pulsatilla nigricans 12x, Kali carbonicum 12x, Silicea terra 12x, Natrum sulphuricum 12x, Hypericum perforatum 12x, Causticum 12x, Sulphur 12x, Bryonia alba 12x, Gelsemium sempervirens 12x, Eupatorium perfoliatum 12x, Rhus toxicodendron 12x, Pyrogenium 30x, distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Energique's LipoStat is a homeopathic remedy that supports the detoxification of fatty tissues (from chemical, insecticide and environmental pollutants). It is also beneficial for fatty liver. LipoStat provides temporary relief from
- exhaustion,
- restlessness,
- metallic taste,
- dyspepsia, and
- menstrual pain.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Capsicum annuum 3x, Fucus vesiculosus 3x, Borage officinalis 3x, Lecithinum 6x, Calcarea carbonica 12x, Kali carbonicum 12x, Kali bichromicum 12x, Pulsatilla nigricans 12x, Ferrum metallicum 12x, sulphur 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Energique's MetalStat is a homeopathic remedy that supports the body's detoxification from heavy metals. It provides temporary relief from
- vomiting,
- prostration, and
- metallic taste.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Allium sativum 3x, Avena sativa 3x, Phytolacca decandra 3x, Berberis vulgaris 3x, Lappa arctium 3x, Solidago virgaurea 3x, Arsenicum album 12x, Aluminum metallicum 12x, Lycopodium clavatum 12x, Nux vomica 12x, Metal nosode 12x, 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
Energique's PituiStat is a homeopathic remedy for the detoxification of the central nervous system. It may be helpful for the temporary relief of mental sluggishness, confusion, weakness, lethargy, thirst and frequent urination. It may also have other benefits related to toxic conditions of the nervous system.
1.69 fl oz (50 mL) bottle.
Ingredients: Ginseng 3x, Ginkgo biloba 3x, Avena sativa 12x, Thyroidinum 12x, Arsenicum iodatum 12x, Baryta carbonica 12x, Silicea terra 12x, Phosphorus 12x, trace element combo 12x, 30x, distilled water, 20% ethanol.
Energique's RenaStat is a homeopathic formula designed for the detoxification of the kidneys. It may be helpful for the temporary relief of pain in the abdomen extending around to the back, pain in the thighs and loins on urinating and frequent urination.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Berberis vulgaris 3x, Uva Ursi 3x, Sabal serrulata 3x, Petroselinum sativum 3x, Cantharis vesicatoria 12x, Mercurius corrosivus 12x, Solidago virgaurea 12x, Sarsaparilla officinalis 12x, Lithium carbonicum 12x, Pareira brava 12x and distilled water; 20% ethanol.
Energique's SystemiStat is a homeopathic remedy formulated for the temporary relief of painless, clay colored diarrhea, eczema with itching, burning hay fever with offensive discharge running from the nose.
SystemiStat is a systemic blood purifier and lymph cleanser.
1 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Berberis vulgaris 3x, Chelidonium majus 3x, Lappa arctium 3x, Hydrastis canadensis 3x, Hepar sulphuris Calcareum 12x, Lycopodium clavatum 12x, Sulphur 12x, Thuja occidentalis 12x, Medorrhinum 30x, Syphilinum 30x, Psorinum 30x, distilled water. 20% Ethanol.
Energique's VacciStat is a homeopathic remedy for the detoxification of the system from commonly used vaccinations. May be helpful for the temporary relief of skin irritation, dry cough, eczema and fever; although it may also be of benefit for a wider range of problems.
Although widely promoted as safe and effective, vaccines are neither. Statistical evaluation (as opposed to medical reporting) indicates that vaccines are not really helpful, and a wide range of problems have been linked to vaccinations. While it can't make vaccines more effective, VacciStat can help to reduce the negative effects associated with vaccination.
1 or 2 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Baptisia tinctoria 3x, Hydrastis canadensis 3x, Mezereum 12x, Antimonium tartaricum 12x, Thuja occidentalis 30x, Silicea terra 30x, Vaccininum 30x, Medorrhinum 30x, Malandrinum 60x, distilled water, 20% ethanol.
Energique's ViruStat is a homeopathic remedy to help with the detoxification of the body from multiple viruses. It may be helpful for the temporary relief of symptoms associated with viral conditions; but its benefits may extend further than that.
1 or 2 fl oz bottle.
Ingredients: Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Hydrastis canadensis 3x, Lomatium 3x, Gelsemium sempervirens 12x, Aconitum napellus 12x, Belladonna 12x, Eupatorium perfoliatum 12x, Lachesis muta 12x, Arsenicum album 12x, Rhus toxicodendron 12x, Pyrogenium 30x, distilled water, 20% ethanol.
Other Energique Stat (detoxifying) Remedies
→ ParaStat: is a homeopathic remedy for the detoxification from various parasites. It provides temporary relief from itching of the anus, colic, bloating, pain and constipation.
ParaStat contains Artemisia vulgaris 3x, Spigelia anthelmintica 3x, Filix mas 3x, Cina maritima 3x, Sabadilla officinalis 3x, Terebinthinia oleum 12x, Sulphur 12x, Calcarea carbonica 12x, Baryta carbonica 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
→ PneumoStat: is a homeopathic remedy for the detoxification of the lungs due to allergies from environmental pollutants. It provides temporary relief from cough, pressure upon the chest, and cough with expectoration, as a consequence of exposure to pollutants.
PneumoStat contains Symphytum officinale 3x, Hydrastis canadensis 3x, Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Hypericum perforatum 3x, Arsenicum album 12x, Phosphorus 12x, Pulsatilla nigricans 12x, Kali carbonicum 12x, Silicea terra 12x, Natrum sulphuricum 12x, Causticum 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
→ ScarStat: is a homeopathic remedy that reduces scar tissue, old scars and keloids, providing temporary relief from tissue discomfort.
ScarStat contains Calendula 10x, 6c, Graphites naturalis 10x, 6c, Hypericum perforatum 10x, 6c, Staphysagria 10x, 6c, Silicea terra 10x, 6c, Thiosinaminum 10x, 6c and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
→ SeptaStat: is a homeopathic remedy for the temporary relief of septic states, venomous infection, blood poisoning/blood disorders, fever, muscular soreness, burning/stinging pain, convulsions, inflammation, gangrene and/or paralysis.
SeptaStat contains Baptisia tinctoria 12x, Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Anthracinum 12x, Arsenicum album 12x, Belladonna 12x, Crotalus horridus 12x, Lachesis 12x, Lyssin 12x, Pyrogenium 12x, Tarentula cubensis 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
→ SportStat: is a homeopathic remedy that aids muscle growth and improves strength and stamina.
This product has been discontinued, due to the excessive cost of new FDA regulations.
SportStat contains Calcium gluconate 2x, Pancreas 3x, Orchic 3x, Pyridoxal phosphate 5x, Adrenal 5x, Pituitaria glandula 5x, ATP 6x, RNA 8x, DNA 8x, NAD 8x, Tecoma pentaphylla 12x, Causticum 12x, Lacticum acidum 30x, Cascarilla 30x, Hydrocotyle asiatica 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
→ TerrestriStat: is a homeopathic remedy for detoxification from radiation (radon). It neutralizes geopathic stress and provides temporary relief of nervousness, anxiety, restlessness, weakness, trembling, numbness and skin eruptions and cracking.
TerrestriStat contains Fucus vesiculosus 3x, Alfalfa 3x, Avena sativa 3x, Thyroidinum 5x, Calcarea phosphorica 12x, Quartz 12x, Silicea terra 12x, Agate 12x, Cuprum metallicum 12x, Cadmium iodata 12x, Strontium carbonicum 12x, Phosphorus 12x, Phosphoricum acidum 12x, Tarentula cubensis 30x, Uranium nitricum 30x, Radiation Nosode 30-60-200x, Magnetis polus articus 40c, Magnetis polus australias 204C and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
→ ThyroStat: is a homeopathic remedy for the detoxification of the thyroid gland and hyperthyroidism. It provides temporary relief from difficult swallowing, flushed face, glaring eyes, excited mental state or nervousness.
ThyroStat contains Fucus vesiculosus 3x, Spongia tosta 3x, Thyroidinum 6x, Pituitaria glandula 6x, Iodium purum 12x, Calcarea carbonica 12x, Natrum muriaticum 12x, Lycopus virginicus 12x, Baryta carbonica 12x, Arsenicum iodatum 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
→ TobaccoStat: is a homeopathic remedy for the detoxification of tobacco intoxication.
TobaccoStat contains Ephedra vulgaris 1x, Valeriana officinalis 1x, Avena sativa 1x, Capsicum annuum 3x, Lobelia inflata 3x, 12x, Tabacum 3x, Caladium seguinum 12x, Nux vomica 12x, Phosphoricum acidum 12x, Cadmium sulphuratum 12x, Spigelia anthelmintica 12x, Staphysagria 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
→ AlcoStat: a homeopathic remedy for the detoxification of alcohol intoxification. It provides temporary relief from loss of appetite, dyspepsia, nausea and craving for alcohol.
AlcoStat contains Trifolium pratense 3x, Taraxacum officinale 3x, Beta vulgaris 3x, Sulphuricum acidum 12x, Chelidonium majus 12x, Capsicum annuum 12x, Quercus E glandibus 12x, Lycopodium clavatum 12x, Nux vomica 12x, alcohol 12x, 30x, Saccharum officinale 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
→ CMV Stat: is a homeopathic remedy for detoxification from Cytomegalo virus. It provides temporary relief from fever, with digestive symptoms, and muscular aches and pains associated with the flu.
CMV Stat contains Phytolacca decandra 3x, Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Lomatium 3x, Tabebuia impetiginosa 3x, Hydrastis canadensis 3x, Aranea diadema 12x, Muriaticum acidum 12x, Rhus toxicodendron 12x, Iridium metallicum 12x, Ipecacuanha 12x, Lachesis muta 12x, Epstein Barr Virus Nosode 30x, 60x, 200x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
→ CosmeStat: is a homeopathic remedy for the detoxification from perfumes, cosmetics and beauty salon chemicals. It provides temporary relief of sinus congestion, dry cough in the evening and rhinitis.
CosmeStat contains Avena sativa 3x, alfalfa 3x, Manganum gluconate 3x, Iodium purum 6x, Thyroidinum 12x, Pituitaria glandula 12x, Pulsatilla nigricans 12x, Natrum muriaticum 12x, Rhus toxicodendron 12x, Terebinthinia oleum 12x, petroleum 12x, Cortisonum 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
→ EBV Stat: is a homeopathic remedy for the detoxification from Epstein Barr/Mononucleosis infections. It provides temporary relief of fever with dyspepsia, muscular aches and weakness associated with the flu.
EBV Stat contains Astragalus excapus 3x, Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Hydrastis canadensis 3x, Phytolacca decandra 3x, Aranea diadema 12x, Iridium metallicum 12x, Lycopodium clavatum 12x, Rhus toxicodendron 12x, Silicea terra 12x, Sepia succus 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
→ Free RadiStat: is an anti-free radical/glutathione system booster. It provides temporary relief of weakness, tiredness and general exhaustion.
Free RadiStat contains Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Baptisia tinctoria 3x, Fucus vesiculosus 3x, Phytolacca decandra 3x, Uva Ursi 3x, Iridium metallicum 12x, Ferrum phosphoricum 12x, Iodium purum 12x, Zincum metallicum 12x, Arsenicum album 12x, Aurum metallicum 12x, Lachesis muta 12x, Cadmium sulphuratum 13x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
→ GyneStat: is a homeopathic remedy for the detoxification from infections of the female ovaries, tubes, uterus and cervix. It provides temporary relief of menstrual pain and vaginal irritation.
GyneStat contains Cimicifuga racemosa 3x, Eucalyptus globulus 3x, Mercurius solubilis (Hydragyrum) Aut Vivus 12x, Pulsatilla nigricans 12x, Sepia succus 12x, Kreosotum 12x, Staphysagria 12x, Calcarea carbonica 12x, Thuja occidentalis 12x, Medorrhinum 30x, Syphilinum 30x and distilled water, 20% ethanol.
→ LactiStat: is a homeopathic remedy to reduce Lactic acid buildup in the tissues. It provides temporary relief of muscle weakness, assisting in decreasing lactic acid buildup.
LactiStat: contains Arsenicum album 12x, Calcarea carbonica 12x, Cocculus indicus 12x, Fluoric acidum 12x, Graphites naturalis 12x, Lachesis muta 12x, Lacticum acidum 12x, Rhus toxicodendron 12x, Ruta graveolens 12x, Sarcolactic acid 12x, Saccharum officinale 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
→ LymeStat: is a homeopathic remedy for the detoxification from common infective agents of Lyme's disease. It provides temporary relief from aches and pains in the joints and muscles, as a consequence of infection.
LymeStat contains Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Hydrastis canadensis 3x, Chelidonium majus 3x, Rhus toxicodendron 12x, Arsenicum album 12x, Ledum palustre 12x, Colchicum autumnale 12x, Kalmia latifolia 12x, Lycopodium clavatum 12x, Phosphorus 12x, Bryonia alba 12x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.
→ NeuroStat: is a homeopathic remedy for the detoxification of the nervous system, for neuralgia, neuritis and neuropathies. It provides temporary relief of dizziness, when riding or sitting, weak memory and feelings indifference or confusion.
NeuroStat contains Cimicifuga racemosa 3x, Phosphorus 12x, Conium maculatum 12x, Agaricus muscarius 12x, Lycopodium clavatum 12x, Tarentula cubensis 12x, Coccus cacti 12x, Gelsemium sempervirens 12x, Rhus toxicodendron 12x, Cuprum metallicum 12x, Latrodectus mactans 15x, Pyrogenium 30x and distilled water. 20% ethanol.