
Contact Us at™:

How and when to reach us when you need any help

We're always glad to hear from you, our website visitor.  The contact we have with you is by far the best part of this web (ad)venture.  So, if you have comments, questions or suggestions, please feel free to get in touch.  We'd love to hear from you.

Contact Information:


Note: If you call and get my voice mail, due to what is euphemistically called my schedule, it would be best to also send me an email.  This will allow me to get back to you more quickly on days when my schedule is upside down.

Tom & Linda Anson™
215 N 75th Court
Lincoln, NE 68505
USA™ is set up as a web business.  That is done because:

That said, we'd like to assure you that we really are here.  We're real people, not a figment of someone's warped business imagination.

So, this was about contact, wasn't it?

The best way to reach me is by e-mail.  (Linda is often times more available to take your call.)  If you write to me, I will get back to you.  My e-mail address is

Of course, your phone calls are also welcome.  If you choose to call, it's generally (but not always) best to try to reach me between 12:00 and 10:00 p.m., Central Time.  That's when I'm most likely to be able to take your call.

Of course, you may call anytime (within reason), and if Linda or I are not available, you can leave a voice mail.  Just be sure to indicate when you'll be able to take our returned call (see time-frame above).  You can call us at:

It would also be good, if you get our voice mail, to also send an email.  Sometimes, my schedule is upside down, and I might not be able to call back at a reasonable time.  If you also send an email, I might be able to get back to you more quickly.  You can also reach us by mail.  The address is:

We would ask that you respect this information, and not use it for solicitations.  Spam is the bane of the internet, and we're simply too busy to deal with yours.


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