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Energique® English Flower Essences

Energetic and emotional support for deep healing

Bach Flower Therapy: Theory and Practice
Price:  $19.95

Bach Flower Therapy: Theory and Practice

Bach Flower Therapy: Theory and Practice, by Mechthild Scheffer, is the first contemporary study of the Bach flower therapies, by one of Europe's leading practitioners.  It includes a thorough review of the 38 remedies.

240 pages.

Energique's English Flower Remedies provide another — truly amazing — approach to healing.  Their effect is very subtle; but, when you look back, you can see how truly powerful their effect has really been.

I've used a couple of these essences to very good effect; but, when my wife starting using one, the result was nothing short of transformational.

Bach, on how flower essences work

Flower remedies were developed about 60 years ago by Edward Bach, M.B., B.S., D.P.H..  He was a highly successful bacteriologist and physician; and, he said that his 38 flower remedies worked by raising the body's energetic frequencies (as you can with essential oils or exercises like tai chi or xigong) and opening our connection to our inward being (often mistakenly referred to as our "spiritual" being).  This produces a kind of inner balance in the areas in which we experience difficulties, that allows healing to occur.

The flower essences are able, like beautiful music, or any glorious, uplifting thing that inspires us, to raise our spirits and bring us nearer to our true selves; and, by that very act, to bring us peace and relieve our sufferings.

The flower essences cure, not by attacking the disease, but by balancing our bodies with vibrational energy, which melts away disease as snow in the sunshine.  "There is no true healing," Edward Bach said, "unless there is a change in outlook, peace of mind and inner happiness."

Energique's English Potentized Flower Essences serve as emotional balancers, requiring the proper remedy be selected on an individualized basis.  To determine one's appropriate remedy or remedies, first read all the descriptions below, then choose those remedies that correspond to the basic personality type, specific stress situation or emotional difficulty being experienced.  To decide which remedy is the most urgently needed, you may want to consider the book, Bach Flower Therapy: Theory and Practice, The Bach Flower Remedies Step-by-Step, or visit the The Bach Center website.  Each will provide you with invaluable information for making the right choices for your needs.

About Energique's flower essences

These English Potentized Flower Essences are available in 30c or 200c potencies, with distilled water and 20% ethanol.

Energique® English Multi-Flower 30c

Price:  $15.85

Energique's English Multi-Flower (30c) Essence is a combination of all of the English flower essences.  It may be used for temporary relief of emotional conflicts.


1 fl oz bottle.

Rescue 5

Price:  $15.85

Energique's Rescue 5 is an all-purpose emergency composite, that helps to realign energies that have been disrupted by stresses — both physical and emotional.

Quieting and uplifting to those suffering from the effects of anguish, school exams or doctor's/dentist's office visits, Rescue 5 is also comforting, calming and reassuring to those distressed by startling experiences.  (My dogs have benefited when they were anxious about thunder storms.)

But Rescue 5 is particularly helpful, in my opinion, in relieving the disruptions of the body's communication between cells, caused by the neuro-toxins/excito-toxins that are so pervasive in our environment.  It quiets the nerves and restores balance to the body's energies.


1 or 2 fl oz bottles.  Available in two strength: 30c and 200c, and a blend of the two — 30c-200c.


Ingredients: Cherry plum, Clematis, Impatiens, Rock rose and Star of Bethlehem.


Note: While Rescue 5 is a very calming remedy, Crisis Comfort, an Australian Bush flower essence blend, gives much deeper emotional help, during emergenies and severe situations.

Other Energique® English Flower Essences

30c English Flower Essences

Price:  $13.65


→ Oak (Quercus robur): For those who struggle on, despite despondency from hardships.  Even when ill and overworked, they never give up.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Olive (Olea europaea): For mental and physical exhaustion, sapped vitality, with no reserve.  This may come on after an illness or personal ordeal.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Pine (Pinus sylvestris): For those who feel they should do — or should have done — better, who are self-reproachful or blame themselves for the mistakes of others.  Hardworking people who suffer much from faults they attach to themselves; they are never satisfied with their success.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Red Chestnut (Aesculus carnea): For those who find it difficult not to be overly concerned or anxious for others; always fearing something wrong may happen to those they care for.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Rock Rose (Helianthemum nummularium): For those who experience states of terror, panic, and hysteria; also for those troubled by nightmares.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Rock Water: For those who are very strict with themselves in their daily living.  They are hard masters to themselves, struggling toward some ideal or to set an example for others.  This would include strict, often rigid adherence to a living style or to religious, personal or social disciplines.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Scleranthus (Scleranthus annuus): For those unable to decide between two things; first one seems right then the other.  Often presenting extreme variations in energy or mood swings.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Star of Bethlehem (Ornithogalum umbellatum): For grief, trauma or loss.  For the mental and emotional effects during and after trauma.


→ Sweet Chestnut (Castanea sativa): For those who feel they have reached the limits of their endurance.  For those moments of deep despair when the anguish seems to be unbearable.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Vervain (Verbena officinalis): For those who have strong opinions and who usually need to have the last word, never able to keep their mouths shut, always teaching or philosophizing; they are easily incensed by injustice.  When taken to extreme, they can be argumentative, wanting to enthuse others with their ideas and, in their excessive eagerness, use too much pressure.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Vine (Vitis vinifera): For those who are strong-willed.  Leaders in their own right, who are unquestionably in charge, deliberately using pressure to achieve their own goals.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Walnut (Juglans regia): Assists in stabilizing emotional upsets during transitional periods, such as puberty, adolescence or menopause.  Also helps one break past links and emotionally adjust to new beginnings, such as moving, changing or taking a new job, beginning or ending a relationship.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Water Violet (Hottonia palusris): For those who are gentle, independent, aloof and self-reliant, who do not interfere in the affairs of others and, when ill or in trouble, prefer to bear their difficulties alone.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ White Chestnut (Aesculus hippocastanum): For constant and persistent unwanted thoughts, such as mental arguments, worries or repetitious thoughts, that prevent peace-of-mind and disrupt concentration.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Wild Oat (Bromus ramosus): For the dissatisfaction of not having succeeded in one's career or life goal; when there is unfulfilled ambition, career uncertainty or boredom with one's present position.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Wild Rose (Rosa canina): For those who, for no apparent reason, have resigned themselves to their circumstances.  Having become indifferent, little effort is made to improve things or find joy.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Willow (Salix vitellina): For those who have suffered some circumstance or misfortune that they feel was unfair or unjust.  As a result, they become resentful and bitter toward life or toward those whom they feel were at fault.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)

The following Flower Essences are available in a 30c strength.  The 30c remedies may be taken 2-3 times per day, as needed.


→ Agrimony (Agrimonia eupatoria): For those who don't want to burden others with their troubles, but cover up their suffering behind a cheerful facade.  They are distressed by argument or quarrel, and may seek escape from pain and worry through the use of alcohol or drugs.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Beech (Fagus sylvatica): For those who, while desiring perfection, easily find fault with people and things.  Critical and, at times, intolerant, they may overreact to small annoyances or idiosyncracies of others.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Cerato (Ceratostigma willmottiana): For those who lack confidence in their own judgement and decisions.  They constantly seek the advice of others, and may often be misguided.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Cherry Plum (Prunus cerasifera): For those with fear of losing mental and physical control, of doing something desperate.  May have impulses to do things thought or known to be wrong.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Chestnut Bud (Aesculus hippocastanum): For those who fail to learn from experience, repeating the same patterns of mistakes again and again.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Chicory (Cichorium intybus): For those who are overfull of care for others and need to direct and control those close to them.  They are generally possessive, always finding something to correct or put right.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Clematis (Clematis vitalba): For those who tend to live in the future, lack concentration, are daydreamers, drowsy or spacey, and have a half-hearted interest in their present circumstances.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Crab Apple (Malus pumila or sylvestris): For those who may feel something is not quite clean about themselves, or have a fear of being contaminated.  For feelings of shame or poor self-image (For example, thinking oneself not attractive for one reason or another).

When necessary, crab apple may be taken to assist in detoxification, as during cold or while fasting.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Elm (Ulmus procera): For those who at times may experience momentary feelings of inadequacy, being overwhelmed by their responsibilities.


→ Gentian (Gentianella amarella): For those who become easily discouraged by small delays or hinderances.  This may cause self-doubt.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Gorse (Ulex europaeus): For feelings of hopelessness and futility, even when there is hope of relief.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Heather (Calluna vulgaris): For those who seek the companionship of anyone who will listen to their troubles.  They are generally not good listeners and have difficulty being alone for any length of time.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Holly (Ilex aquifolium): To be used when troubled by negative feelings, such as envy, jealousy, hate, suspicion or revenge.  Vexations of the heart, states indicating a need for more love.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Honeysuckle (Lonicera caprifolium): For those dwelling in the past, always talking about the good old days, when things were better; nostalgia, homesickness.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus): For the Monday morning feeling of not being able to face the day.  For those feeling that some part of the body or mind needs strengthening.  Constant fatigue and tiredness.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Impatiens (Impatiens glandulifera): For those quick in thought and action, who require all things to be done without delay.  They are impatient with people who are slow, and often prefer to work alone.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Larch (Latrix decidua): For those who, despite being capable, lack self-confidence or feel inferior.  Anticipating failure, they often refuse to make a real effort to succeed.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Mimulus (Mimulus guttatus): For fear of known things, such as heights, water, the dark, other people or being alone, etc.; often shy and timid.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)


→ Mustard (Sinapis arvensis): For deep gloom that comes on for apparently no known reason, sudden melancholia, or heavy sadness.  Will lift just as suddenly.

(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)

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