Energique® Australian Flower Essences
Energetic and emotional support for deep healing
Australian Bush Flower Essences
Australian Bush Flower Essences, by Ian White, takes the age-old art of using flower essences, and applies it to the flowering plants of the Australian bush. A naturopath, Ian White gives an informative picture of 50 bush flower essences, as well as an index of illnesses and their treatment.
Fully illustrated, Australian Bush Flower Essences is 210 pages.
Energique's Australian Flower Remedies provide another — truly amazing — approach to healing. Their effect is very subtle; but, when you look back, you can see how truly powerful their effect has really been.
The background of flower essences
Flower essences have a long history of use, and have been used, around the world, for health and healing.
The Aborigines found the Australian Bush Essences to be beneficial. The essence, in the form of dew — made potent by the sun — would be consumed, along with the flower or plant.
Uses of flower essences
Flower Essences have been used to resolve emotional imbalances. The Australian Essences have been used for psychological, physical and "spiritual" imbalances, as well as for their emotional benefits. These essences work deeply and quickly — for the person who is focused on the remedy and the healing ability that it carries.
When an essence is taken orally or applied upon the skin, it is first absorbed into the bloodstream. It sets in between the circulatory and nervous systems, where the polarity of the two systems creates an electromagnetic current.
The essence then affects the meridians (as in the channels of energy affected by acupuncture). This process magnifies the life force (or, the xi) of the essence, and aids in its absorption, allowing the essence to quickly reach the imbalanced parts, in a more stable form.
How to use the flower essences
These remedies are best taken separately (or in combination, if they are addressing the same theme). If two or more remedies — that address different issues — are combined, they may work more slowly. A maximum of four remedies, used simultaneously, is recommended.
The descriptions given below are only general. To gain an appreciation for the scope of what these remedies have to offer and to decide which is the remedy you most urgently need, you may want to consider the book, Australian Bush Flower Essences. It will give you a good foundation from which to work.
Australian potentized flower essences are available in 30c or 200c potencies, with distilled water and 20% ethanol.
Engergique® Australian Flower Essences
→ Mulla Mulla (Ptilotus atripicifolius): For those who have fear or trauma from fire, heat or hot objects. Used to release stored radiation from ultraviolet ray exposure.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Old Man Banksia (Banksia serrata): For those who are low in energy, weary or sluggish, with a slow metabolism. It is used to energize and bring about interest in life.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Paw Paw (Carica papaya): For those who feel overwhelmed, are burdened by making decisions and/or are struggling with a major decision. It is used to bring about mental calmness and clarity.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Peach-Flowered Tea Tree (Banksia serrata): For those with extreme mood swings; hypochondriacs. For those who are easily bored or have a lack of commitment. It is used to bring about emotional balance and aid in the follow-through of projects.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Philotheca (Philotheca salsolifolia): For those who are extremely generous and giving to everyone but themselves. They cannot acknowledge themselves. They are often shy or have difficulty accepting praise.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Red Grevillea (Grevillea speciosa): For those who feel stuck in a situation, but cannot move on. It is used to bring about independence and boldness.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Red Helmet Orchid (Corybas dilatatus): To assist the bonding process. Also used to assist those who defy authority.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Red Lily (Nelumbo nucifera): For those who are disconnected or are daydreamers. It is used to aid in focusing on the present.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ She Oak (Casuarina glauca): For those women who, for no physical reason, cannot conceive. It is also used for PMS symptoms and hormonal imbalances.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Silver Princess (Eucalyptus caesia): For those who don't know which way to go next in their life; they have no purpose or plan.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Slender Rice Flower (Pimelea linifolia): For those who are narrow-minded or prejudiced; those who fail to see both sides of a situation.
→ Southern Cross (Xanthosia rotundifolia): For those who feel that they are always the victim; that their efforts always go unrewarded.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Spinifex (Triodia species): For those with skin conditions with cutting and/or stinging, such as herpes. It is utilized for chlamydia and conditions of the urinary and reproductive systems.
→ Sturt Desert Pea (Clianthus formosus): For those with deep pain, sadness or sorrow, even if felt for many years. It is used to help let go of the pain.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Sturt Desert Rose (Gossypium sturtianum): For those who lack self-esteem and/or have feelings of guilt (guilt can profoundly affect self-esteem). This remedy gives them the strength to be true to their beliefs and convictions.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Sundew (Drosera spathulata): For those who lack focus. They see the broad spectrum of the situation, but lack the attention to details.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Sunshine Wattle (Acacia terminalis): For those who are stuck in the past and believe the future is hopeless.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Tall Yellow Top (Senecio magnificus): For those who feel isolated and lonely; who have difficulty connecting with people, workplace, etc.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Turkey Bush (Calytrix exstipulata): For those who experience a creative block. It is used to bring back focus, perspective and inspiration.
→ Waratah (Telopea speciosissima): For those who are in complete despair. It is used to give strength and courage to cope with their situation.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Wedding Bush (Ricinocarpus pinifolius): For those who cannot make a commitment to relationships, employment, goals, etc.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Wild Potato Bush (Solanum quadriloculatum): For those who are physically encumbered and frustrated, as a result of a restriction, such as a paraplegic. This remedy brings about a sense of freedom.
→ Wisteria (Wisteria sinensis): For those women who are uncomfortable with their sexuality. It is used to bring about openness and sexual enjoyment.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Yellow Cowslip Orchid (Calendia flava): For those who are very judgmental and critical of others. When the pituitary gland is out of balance, one has a tendency to become excessively critical, nitpicky and closed to new ideas. This remedy brings balance to this endocrine gland.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
The following Bush Flower Essences are available in 30c and 200c strengths. In homeopathy, 200c remedies are much more powerful than the 30c, and should generally be taken only once a day. The 30c remedies may be taken 2-3 times per day, as needed.
→ Banksia (Swamp) (Banksia robur): For people who are normally enthusiastic, dynamic and full of energy, but who are feeling downhearted or flat, along with tiredness and frustration, as a result of an illness, disappointment, burnout, etc.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Bauhinia (Lysiphyllum cunninghamii): For those who resist change. It allows them to grasp and accept new ideas. It enables people to be open-minded and willing to consider new points of view.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Billy Goat Plum (Planchonia careya): For those with feelings of self-loathing or self-disgust with regard to sexual organs or sex acts. For those who have feelings of revulsion toward sex.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Black-Eyed Susan (Tetratheca ericifolia): For those who are always on the go and always in a rush, with many projects underway. For those who are always trying to do too much in too short a time. They are very impatient with others.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Bluebell (Wahlenbergia species): For those who hold their emotions inside. This is used to help open the heart and let feelings of love and joy flow. It is also for those who are afraid to let go of their possessions.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Boronia (Boronia ledifolia): For those who have obsessive thoughts that they can't let go. Helps clarify the thought and quiet the mind.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Bottlebrush (Callistemon linearis): For those facing life's transitions, such as pregnancy, starting school or a new job, moving, aging, etc. It gives the ability to cope and deal with the situation, as well as help one break from repetitive lifestyle.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Bush Fuchsia (Epacris longiflora): For those with learning or speaking difficulties due to imbalances in the brain, such as stuttering. It improves self confidence.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Bush Gardenia (Gardenia megasperma): For those who are growing apart from their loved ones. It renews relationships.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Bush Iris (Patersonia longifolia): For those who want to achieve spiritual and self-awareness. It can bring balance to those who are materialistic.
→ Crowea (Crowea saligna): For those who are stressed, constantly worried or anxious. Helps to calm, control and center your being.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Dagger Hakea (Hakea teretifolia): For those who have feelings of resentment toward others and those who may hold grudges. It helps to bring about feelings of forgiveness.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Dog Rose (Bauera rubioides): For those who have nagging common fears, such as fear of heights, darkness, violence, etc. It helps to let go of the fear.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Five Corners (Styphelia triflora): For those with low self-esteem and dislike of self. It encourages self-love.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Flannel Flower (Actinotus helianthi): For those who are uncomfortable when being physically close or being touched by other people.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Fringed Violet (Thysanotus tuberosus): For those who don't feel quite right emotionally, since a shock or trauma. Their aura is not whole or they lack inner peace.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Grey Spider Flower (Grevillea buxifolia): For those who experience extreme terror, fear of something so terrible that they may not survive; a severe reaction to something horrible. For panic attacks.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Hibbertia (Hibbertia pendunculata): For those who are inflexible and need to be in control. For those who are very rigid with themselves, with regard to knowledge. They are constantly learning, in the belief that they will be better than those with less knowledge.
→ Illawarra Flame Tree (Brachychiton acerifolius): For those who feel rejected, and who reject themselves. They participate when they don't want to, in order to avoid rejection. This remedy strengthens and balances the thymus, which is a key factor to the immune system.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Isopogon (Isopogon anethifolius): For those who have poor memory and do not learn from their mistakes. For those wishing to recall past memories.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Jacaranda (Jacaranda mimosaefolia): For those who enthusiastically start projects, but never finish them. They are easily distracted and changeable.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Kangaroo Paw (Anigozanthos manglesii): For those who are socially unaware or inept and have difficulty relating to others; lack social graces. For insensitive individuals.
→ Kapok Bush (Cochlospermum fraseri): For those who are resigned to situations and easily discouraged. This remedy is for those who give up too easily.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Little Flannel Flower (Actinotus minor): For those who are too serious. It is used to bring out playfulness, for relaxation and enjoyment of life.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Macrocarpa (Eucalyptus macrocarpa): For those who are "burned out" and need to be recharged. It is used to revitalize, energize and strengthen physical endurance.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)
→ Mountain Devil (Lambertia formosa): For those who feel jealousy, hatred and/or anger. It is used to bring about joy, unconditional love and acceptance.
(Discontinued due to the high cost of FDA regulations.)