Teacher and Storyteller Offering Workshops and Seminars in CTE Time To Teach, Differentiated Instruction, Equity in the Classroom, Writing Across the Curriculum and Teaching With Stories.
Contact me for your next professional development seminar.

Jamie P. Myrick


Video Sampler

Writing Across Curriculum
Teaching writing can be fun and easy, just let the students do the work. You will learn how to teach vocabulary, grammar, and format while focusing on the students natural creativity.  Jamie Myrick is a Bay Area Writing Project Teacher trainer.  Each Writing Project teacher trainer shares writing instructional strategies that not only address mechanics but help students to find the joy of writing by finding their own voice, writing for purpose and discovering the power of effective written communication.
For over 36 years BAWP, the first Writers Project program has worked locally and nationally with schools to honor the principles of professionalism and collaboration around instruction, and to address issues of inequity in achievement. BAWP in-service workshops include:
Teaching Grammar Conventions Through Writing 
The Power of Writing Across Content Areas
Improving Student Academic Writing
Peer Conferencing to Improve Student Writing

Jamie Myrick has extensive classroom experience as a teacher who guides students in the creation of books, writing for publication, presentation, or poetic expression, and writing that supports service learning. Myrick, who is also a professional storyteller, offers a special workshop on using storytelling to support creative writing formats.  The workshop will present writing instruction strategies that are student centered. This training can be tailored to meet each school’s specific needs.

John Steinbeck said, "The writer must believe that what he is doing is the most important thing in the world." The teacher's job is to teach students that the words they write have importance beyond the grade on their paper.