Atrium's Brown Label Supplements
Comprehensive enzyme, adrenal tissue concentrate, tissue blends, digestive aids and free form amino acid formulations for health care professionals
Atrium's Brown Label line of fine supplements |
In July of 2015, Atrium closed its doors. The weight of new FDA regulations was just too costly. However, I have found a source for identical — or nearly identical — formulas. That source is a company called Bio-Design. Although it is taking time to get pages for Bio-Design online, you can order many of their products from here.
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Atrium, part of the Aspen Group, offers the Brown Label line of supplements, exceptional products that encompass the most comprehensive formulations available to professional health care practitioners.
Brown Label products include unique enzyme formulas, special adrenal tissue concentrates, special tissue blends, with synergistic factors, unique digestive aids and free form amino acid compounds, with synergistic factors.
The Brown Label tissue supplements include a full spectrum of individual and special combinations of raw tissue concentrates, processed through the Freeze Dried method. This process provides the most highly concentrated source of natural factors, preserving a stable and more complete end product, containing a maximum of vitamins, enzymes and other nutrients found in raw glands, and is now the most widely accepted process in the manufacture of supplements used by professional healthcare practitioners.
All tissues are derived from Argentine cattle, certified by SENASA (an official Argentine Agricultural agency) to be organic, having been range (grass) fed and raised without hormones, pesticides or insecticides. Note: This statement has not been updated. Sourcing may be different, but you can be assured of the highest quality, grass-fed, clean ingredients.
I was introduced to Atrium's glandulars by my chiropractor, who, quite literlly, gave me back my life. I have used them for the last 35+ years, and have been truly amazed at the impact they can have on body systems.* They have been a key factor in enabling me to be functional.* That's why I recommend these products so highly.
Note: In addition to the ingredients listed on this page, the products in Atrium's Brown Label line may also contain magnesium stearate, dicalcium phosphate and pharmeceutical glaze.
Note: While I don't have anywhere near the full line Brown Label products represented on this website, if you have any interest in specific products, I would be more than happy to add it in, for your convenience.
Supra Renal 220 Bio-Adrenal Complex from Bio-Design
Glan-Fem Plus from Bio-Design
Atri-Discio | DiskPlex Bio Disco from Bio-Design
Other Brown Label products from Atrium
CharcoZyme Di-Acid Stim Enzy-Flora |
L-Lysine 500 mg LysoZyme Plus LysoZyme Plus without Zinc |