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Income Insurance… Are You Protected?
Start a Home Based Business!
by Bruce Eckman

There sure is a lot of that these days.

Insurance was created back in the 13th Century. Ship owners used it to protect themselves from catastrophic losses while transporting cargo.

The principal behind insurance is leverage. And the point of insurance is to make a relatively small investment that will protect us in the event of a large - costly - loss.

So we pay maybe $800 for car insurance and we're protected for millions of dollars if we should have a devastating accident.

And so it is with health insurance, life insurance, property insurance and so on. We all know it's smart to protect ourselves with these kinds of insurances.

What About "Income Insurance"?

We're no longer assured to have enough money in retirement to afford a reasonable standard of living. In fact, we don't even have the job income security we had not long ago.

You can't turn on the news without hearing about downsizing, global outsourcing, layoffs and company closures.

How can you insure your income, security and financial future?

…By starting and growing a home business... part-time or full-time.

That may sound difficult. After all, most of us are experienced in one particular thing. The thought of having to manage all aspects of a business may seem out of reach.

Let me assure you, it's not...
With the right resources and information.

Think of a three-legged stool. With all three legs planted firmly on the ground, it's stable and balanced. Remove one leg and it's no longer stable.

Three Legs of Business Success (and Income Insurance)

To build a successful business - no matter how small or big - you need:

*** Education
*** Persistence
*** Action


Throughout our lives we've heard about the "School of Hard Knocks". That's one way to go. And the way many entrepreneurs have gone by default.

Of course virtually everyone would agree, that's not an easy way. A much easier way is to learn from someone who has already blazed the path, recovered - and learned from - the "knocks". Someone who learned - from experience - how to build a successful business.

Someone who can show you an easier and more direct path so that you invest your time and effort in the actions that will pay off. And you avoid pit falls that are only visible "in hindsight", but not so visible from where you are.


Even with a blueprint, smoothed path and wise guidance, there isn't a "big red easy button". While it's a great advantage to know what to work on when, you'll still need to work at building a business. As with anything of value, you'll have to persist during times when the "reward" is farther in the future.

As your parents likely told you and as you may have told your own children: "Patience and perseverance have a magical effect before which difficulties disappear and obstacles vanish." (John Quincy Adams)


In five years it'll be five years from now… no matter what you do. But what you do choose to do now will determine what YOUR life is like 5, 10, 15, 20 years from now.

If you're like most people, when you were a kid, your Dad put some "training wheels" on a bike. At first he held onto the bike and ran along with you. Then once you were steady, he let go. And once you mastered the bike with training wheels, he took them off.

You'd never get to the point of "riding a bike" by just thinking about it or talking about it. You only got there by taking measured action.

To have a successful business that will bring you income insurance and peace of mind, you have to take action... Not haphazard or inconsistent action. But deliberate, consistent action.

It's a lot easier than you think when you have the benefit of wise education because your actions will more often than not lead to rewards and success.

Start your "Income Insurance" policy now to get the security, financial freedom and the promising future you want and deserve.

About the Author:
Bruce Eckman started his first business at age 5. He has owned and operated over a dozen different business and is currently the President/CEO of He is active in helping others in starting a home business through