Energique's Weed/Grass Antigens is formulated for the temporary relief of allergies due to weeds and grasses.
Ingredients: Antigens of Red Top, Meadow fescue, alfalfa, sweet vernal, Kentucky blue, orchard, perennial rye, Timothy, foxtail, Pampas, bamboo, red clover, white clover, Lambsquarter,
Yellow dock, sorrel, goldenrod, kapok, dandelion,
amaranthus, chenopodium, grease wood, cocklebur,
Marsh elder, mugwort, sage, ragweed, pig weed, acasia 12x, 15x, 18x and 33x dilutions, with Arsenicum album 12x, 15x, Nux vomica 12x, 15x, Allium cepa 12x, 15x and Pulsatilla nigricans 12x, 15x, as potentiators. Distilled water
and 20% ethanol.
1 fl oz bottle.