VacciStat is a homeopathic remedy for the detoxification of the system from commonly used vaccinations. May be helpful for the temporary relief of skin irritation, dry cough, eczema and fever; although it may also be of benefit for a wider range of problems.
Although widely promoted as safe and effective, vaccines are neither. Statistical evaluation (as opposed to medical reporting) indicates that vaccines are not really helpful, and a wide range of problems have been linked to vaccinations. While it can't make vaccines more effective, VacciStat can help to reduce the negative effects associated with vaccination.
Ingredients: Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Baptisia tinctoria 3x, Hydrastis canadensis 3x, Mezereum 12x, Antimonium tartaricum 12x, Thuja occidentalis 30x, Silicea terra 30x, Vaccininum 30x, Medorrhinum 30x, Malandrinum 60x, distilled water, 20% ethanol.
1 oz or 2 oz bottle.