* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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Piperine Phenolic

Price: $15.76


Energique's Piperine Phenolic is a homeopathic remedy formulated to reduce sensitivities to piperine, a chemical predominant in the nightshade family.  The nightshade family consists of peppers, tomatoes, potatoes and tobacco.  Among the peppers, its prevalence varies, according to the pungency of the fruit.

The nightshade family has been thought to be a factor in arthritis; however, food elimination of nightshades isn't successful in that regard.  The answer probably lies in the abundant number of foods in which piperine is a trace compound.  These foods include cheese, sugar, yeast, several meat sources and an additive to brandy.

Ingredients: Piperine 6x, 12x, 30x, 12c, 30c and distilled water.  20% ethanol.

1 fl oz bottle.