Price: $15.76
Energique's LymphaPar was formulated to support lymph drainage and spleen function. It may be helpful for the temporary relief of swollen tonsils or sore throat, and swollen irritated breasts prior to menses.
Proper lymph function is critical for good health, because the lymph carries toxins and wastes away from the cells, so they can be cleared from the body.
Ingredients: Phytolacca decandra 3x, echinacea angustifolia 3x, lymph 6x, hepar sulphuris calcareum 12x, lachesis muta 12x, ferrum iodatum 12x, conium maculatum 12x, silicea terra 12x, kali muriaticum 12x, distilled water. 20% ethanol.
1 fl oz bottle.
See also Atrium Lymph 160 for added lymphatic support.