* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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Price: $15.76


Energique's InfectiStat is a homeopathic remedy for the detoxification of the system from various bacterial and viral infections.  It may be helpful for the temporary relief of

  • fever,
  • sore throat, and
  • cough

due to bacterial and viral conditions.  It may also have other benefits for the system.

Ingredients: Echinacea angustifolia 3x, Baptisia tinctoria 3x, Phytolacca decandra 3x, Symphytum officinale 3x, Hydrastis canadensis 3x, Lobelia inflata 3x, Lomatium 3x, Lung 6x, Ferrum phosphoricum 12x, Lachesis muta 12x, Belladonna 12x, Aconitum napellus 12x, Arsenicum album 12x, Phosphorus 12x, Pulsatilla nigricans 12x, Kali carbonicum 12x, Silicea terra 12x, Natrum sulphuricum 12x, Hypericum perforatum 12x, Causticum 12x, Sulphur 12x, Bryonia alba 12x, Gelsemium sempervirens 12x, Eupatorium perfoliatum 12x, Rhus toxicodendron 12x, Pyrogenium 30x, distilled water.  20% ethanol.

1 fl oz bottle.