Lymph-Clear™ is a Future Body Sciences, Inc. product, part of Dr Daniel Phend's Clear Line™ Protocol for chronic and critical clients. It is intended to be used only under the supervision of a trained Clear Line™ health professional.
Lymph-Clear™ is used in Phase Three of the protocol, for cleansing of the fluid around the body's cells.
Serving size 40 drops
Servings per container: Approx 29 in 2 oz bottle.
Suggested use: 20 to 40 drops, in water or juice, 3 times daily or as otherwise directed. Shake well before use.
Ingredients: Ingredients: Poke (root) [Phytolacca americana], Cleavers (aerial parts) [Galium aparine], Blue Flag (root) [Iris versicolor], Calendula (flower) [Calendula officinalis], Echinacea Purpurea (root) Echinacea Purpurea, Ginger (root) [Zingiber officinale], Stinging Nettle (leaf) [Urtica dioica], Red Root (root) [Ceanothus americanus], Wild Indigo (root) [Baptisia tinctoria].
Other ingredients: Purified water, 50% ethanol.
2 fl oz bottle.
For more information, see Future Body Sciences.