* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration.  This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease.


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Environmental Formula (Rainforest Botanical)

Price: $15.85


Energique's Environmental Formula (Rainforest Botanical) was formulated for environmental detoxification.  It

  • improves bile production and secretion,
  • retards aging, by enhancing cellular regeneration,
  • releases liver congestion,
  • dispels uric acid,
  • promotes liver and gallbladder health and
  • enhances the elimination of environmental toxins

Ingredients: a proprietary blend of artichoke [leaf] (Cynara scolymus), boldo [leaf] (Peumus boldus), phyllanthus [whole plant] (Phyllanthus niruri), jurubeba [whole plant] (Solanum paniculatum), cat's claw [bark] (Uncaria tomentosa) and purified water.  25% ethanol.

Suggested use: 10-30 drops, in water or juice, 3 times daily, or as otherwise directed.  Shake well before use.


1 fl oz bottle.