X-Ray 200c: Stimulates cellular metabolism, arousing mental and physical vitality; temporarily relieves pain in the head, face and neck; temporarily relieves a rough, dry tongue; eases dry, itchy skin.
Arnica Montana 3x (Leopard’s Bane): For feelings of general soreness, poor circulation, indifference.
Korean Ginseng 1x: For feelings of sexual weakness, headaches, double-vision.
Phosphoricum Acidum 3x (Phosphoric Acid): For feelings of nervous exhaustion and confusion, lack of energy.
Cinchona Officinalis 6x (Peruvian Bark): For feelings of apathy and indifference.
Baptisia Tinctoria 3x (Wild Indigo): For feelings of mental confusion, sleepiness; temporary relief of intestinal toxicity.
Thuja Occidentalis 200c (Tree of Life): For feelings of exhaustion and insomnia.
Sulphur Iodatum 200c (Sulphur Iodide): For temporary relief of skin eruptions or reddened skin due to toxicity; stimulation of the lymphatic function.
Mercurius Corrosivus 200c (Mercuric Chloride): For irritability and lack of attention, abdominal cramps, trembling or twitching, cold, clammy hands and feet, headache.
Hepar Suis 6x (Liver Porcine): Stimulates and helps to detoxify the liver.
Arsenicum Album 200c (Arsenic Trioxide): For feelings of exhaustion, restlessness and headache pain.
Galium Aparine 3x: For radiation ulcers.
Radium Bromatum 200c (Radium Bromide): For exposure to radiation and x-rays; burns caused by radiation or x-rays.
20% organic alcohol.
1 fl oz spray bottle.